2006 Christmas Letter
This letter combines two topics; the social issue of illegal immigration and the new version of Microsoft Word 2007. One would think it would be a challenge to combine those two into one cohesive letter. Maybe for you mere mortals.
I have a Microsoft TechNet subscription. That means I have access to pre-release (i.e. beta) versions of their software. So I was able to try out Office 2007 well before it went on sale to the unsuspecting public. Word 2007 had a number of radically new features. But the LAME feature I wrote about was not one of them.
Hint: if you look closely at the 2006 Christmas Letter (the one written with LAME technology), you might notice actual words formed vertically down the middle of the left column. I never told the victims about it…it was more fun that way.
(click an image to enlarge)
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